Student Organizations

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Student organizations at the McAfee School of Theology are student led and devoted to students’ needs. These groups put students in touch with faculty and staff from McAfee and the wider university community to diversify and reinforce students’ education.

The Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, founded in 2016, is charged with promoting and encouraging diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of McAfee community life. Consistent with the mission and founding principles of the School, the Committee affirms that inclusivity, the open search for truth, and the embracing of diversity in all its forms enhance our spiritual growth, moral formation, and ministerial development. The Committee’s efforts are particularly focused upon issues of race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, and theological diversity. Its membership is appointed by the Dean and includes representation from faculty, staff, and students. The chair of this committee is Dr. Angela Parker.

Diversity & Inclusion Mission and Vision Statement

The Student Advocacy and Leadership Team is a vital part of the McAfee community and act as a liaison between the student body and faculty. SALT sponsors student forums at which students are given the opportunity to voice concerns and suggestions that will be presented to the faculty. In addition, SALT organizes gatherings, mission projects, and fellowships that allow students to enjoy spending time together in an informal atmosphere. Dr. Karen Massey serves as the faculty advisor. Copies of SALT’s Constitution are available in the Associate Dean’s office.

Additionally, there are a growing number of campus-wide student groups on the Atlanta campus that you can join, including Bethel Campus Fellowship, Golden Cure, the Black Student Union at Mercer Atlanta and the Mercer Gaming Group.