
Imagine. Discover. Create.

Nash Talking

The McAfee School of Theology offers an integrated program that grounds theological education within the contexts of a strong University, vibrant partner-churches, and engaged community partners.

The School’s goal is to nurture the spiritual life and character of students in a community that values authentic scholarship and piety and to equip students for Christian leadership through mentoring, courses, worship, and the integration of scholarship with professional experience.

The goal of the theological curriculum flows from the School’s mission statement: 

“Mercer University’s School of Theology forms ministers and cultivates leaders who thrive spiritually, professionally, and academically in service with congregations, communities, and classrooms.”

Academic Programs

Master of Divinity
Master of Theological Studies
Master of Arts in Christian Ministry
Combined Degree Programs
Doctor of Ministry
Graduate Certificates

Expand Your Options

Combined Degree Programs

McAfee School of Theology offers five combined degree programs. Combined degrees allow the opportunity to pursue two degrees that merge the diverse interests of the applicant and prepare him or her for many different fields in a shorter amount of time.

Non-Degree Options

Applicants who wish to enroll in one or more Masters level courses at McAfee School of Theology without pursuing a degree may apply to take classes using our non-degree options.

Online Learning Options

McAfee's online degree programs allow you to remain within your current ministry and professional contexts where you have already established significant ministry roots and community relationships. Students in the online programs enter in a cohort-based system with an established course sequence designed to allow completion of your program in a designated time period while building a strong community of learning.