Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

Residential and Online

Two students serving communion

The Master of Arts in Christian Ministry is a 38-hour professional credential that can be taken in residence (two years full-time) or online (three years, cohort based) designed to prepare individuals for competent leadership in specialized ministries in their faith communities.

The degree seeks to develop the general theological understanding required as a basis for local church ministries and nurture the practical abilities and skills needed in that setting. Students may specialize in one of three areas: Congregational Ministry, Community Engagement, or Faith Formation.

The Congregational Ministry Specialization focuses on developing knowledge and skills for leadership in diverse congregational settings. Specialization electives may focus on various aspects of church life such as preaching, pastoral care, and teaching. Students will work with their Faculty Advisor to determine which elective courses best fit their focus.

The Community Engagement Specialization focuses on engagement in local and global communities to affect social justice, policy change, and community transformation. Specialization electives may focus on various aspects of justice, advocacy, and community development. Students will work with their Faculty Advisor to determine which elective courses best fit their focus.

The Faith Formation Specialization focuses on nurturing individual and communal faith journeys through Christian discipleship, spiritual growth, and personal reflection. Specialization electives may focus on spiritual practices, care of the soul, emotional intelligence, sacred listening, embodiment, and story. Students will work with their Faculty Advisor to determine which elective courses best fit their focus.

The M.A.C.M. is ideal for bi-vocational and part-time ministers, ministers with undergraduate ministerial education, lay leaders, and professionals from other disciplines seeking to broaden their competencies.

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Combined Degrees
Online Learning

An advantage of being one of Mercer University’s twelve colleges and schools is that we have opportunities for highly qualified students to obtain two degrees in a shortened time through a combined degree program. Combined degrees at McAfee enhance skills and broaden professional opportunities by integrating a theological education with the resources of a professional degree. This is a great asset to the student who has a multiplicity of passions as well as the student who anticipates pursuing bi-vocational ministry opportunities.

Combined Degree Options