Spiritual Life
Life together
Spiritual formation at McAfee is intentional in all aspects of McAfee’s life through worship, prayers, small groups, and other Christian disciplines. Students, staff, and faculty members join together as people of faith growing together in the grace and knowledge of God. We provide a variety of resources that assist persons in enhancing their relationship with God. We believe that living life together and in community is a vital part of a growing and deepening faith.

Weekly Community Prayers
We believe a crucial part of theological education is the experience of shared life and faith. Mercer University' McAfee School of Theology encourages all students to contribute to this community of faith. Led by various members of the McAfee community, Community Prayers is a weekly opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to share in each other's joys and sorrows, triumphs and concerns. It is a time in which we encounter the Spirit of God as we develop friendships and bonds that last long after graduation.
The McAfee Community meets together for prayers and devotionals every Tuesday afternoon from 2:30-3:00pm in THE 131 and online during the fall and spring semesters when classes are in session.

Still Small Voice
Join us for a few moments of stillness, prayer and the reading of scriptures. “Still Small Voice” is a brief opportunity to pause in the middle of your work week for reflection and centering. Meets online most Wednesdays at 10am for 5-10 minutes.
https://mercer.zoom.us/j/968 7504 8248

Mercer University, in partnership with Aziz Dhanani, a graduate of Aligarh Muslim University, our Muslim partners in India, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia, dedicated its interfaith prayer garden and labyrinth on May 14, 2015, on the Cecil B. Day Graduate and Professional Campus in Atlanta. The faculty of Mercer’s McAfee School of Theology often use this garden and its outdoor classroom for experiential learning. Anyone is welcome to use the labyrinth at any time for their own spiritual edification.

Each academic year, there is a retreat for faculty, staff, and students to encourage fellowship among the McAfee community. At the retreat, the whole McAfee community engages with one another and with their own spiritual lives. There is both scheduled and unscheduled time set aside for spiritual enrichment for our community through prayer, recreation, small and large group activities, and shared meals.
The retreat is mandatory for all Spiritual Formation students. Many students choose to go on the retreat each year even after they have completed the Spiritual Formation requirement. There is also an online option for participating.