Financial Aid
All of our students are eligible to apply for financial assistance. Financial assistance includes federal loans, McAfee Merit scholarships, and external scholarships. Each student is required to fill out a FAFSA every year for consideration of federal loans. McAfee Merit Scholarships are considered when you apply and applicants have potential to receive up to a full tuition scholarship. For priority consideration for McAfee scholarships and our Scholar’s Day please apply by Jan. 15 each year for the following Fall.
Below are helpful resources for finding ways to cover the cost of your seminary education.
Merit Scholarships
Due to the generous contributions from Mercer University, supporting churches and our educational partners, McAfee School of Theology is one of the most affordable options for theological education. Every student at McAfee receives a grant covering 60% of tuition. Please note: the tuition prices you see listed are after the 60% tuition grant has been applied.
Merit scholarships are also available to those who qualify. Eligibility is determined by each prospective student’s total admissions application, including potential for leadership in service and ministry. No separate application is required; all admissions applications are reviewed for scholarship eligibility.
External Scholarships
External Scholarships are scholarships offered by organizations and partners outside of the McAfee School of Theology. They are a great way to help pay for seminary.
Baptist Women in Ministry (BWIM) Addie Davis Scholarship
The Addie Davis Scholarships provide financial support for Baptist women enrolled in seminary to pursue a calling to ministry and leadership. The scholarship is named in honor of Rev. Addie Davis, the first woman ordained to pastoral ministry by a Southern Baptist Church in 1964.
Baptist Women In Ministry of Georgia (BWIM of GA) Sara Owen Etheridge Student Scholarship
Annually, the Baptist Women in Ministry of Georgia award a scholarship to a Baptist woman who is from or currently resides in Georgia, and who is currently enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral Program.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) Vestal Scholarships
In 2011, the Daniel and Earlene Vestal Scholarship, named after CBF’s second executive coordinator and his wife, was established to support the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s continued emphasis on theological education and the local congregation. The Vestal Scholarship is the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s highest award valued at $11,000 with an additional $1500 travel stipend for attending CBF events throughout the academic year.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) School-Directed Leadership Scholarships
If you are a currently enrolled Baptist student at McAfee School for Theology, please inquire about applying for the CBF School-Directed Leadership Scholarship by contacting our admissions office early during the spring semester. These scholarships are primarily directed by the school, with final approval granted by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) Regional Scholarship Opportunities
Students may apply for both the CBF School-Directed Leadership Scholarship and a CBF Regional Scholarship.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansas
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Florida
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Tennessee
Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV) Ministerial Education Funds
Ministerial Education Funds are provided through the generous gifts of Virginia Baptists like Julian A. Hudgens, Anna Lethia Carter, Ruth Camp Campbell, Jack E. and Virginia A. Boyles, Alpheus Chewning, Jr., and the Cooperative Missions gifts of Virginia Baptists around the state. As a result of their gifts, ministerial students from cooperating churches of the BGAV who need aid, receive funds for financing their undergraduate or graduate education in preparation for vocational ministry. These funds are considered as grants provided that upon graduation, the recipient of said grant serves 2 years with a BGAV church or an out-of-state Baptist church in friendly cooperation with the BGAV.
T. B. Maston Scholarship
The recipient of the T. B. Maston Scholarship is to be someone who reflects the integrity, commitment, and passion of T. B. Maston in his or her scholarship and life. The candidate should be a graduate student or post-graduate student in the field of Christian ethics.
American Baptist (ABHMS) Scholarships
Offering general and specialized scholarships for American Baptist undergraduate, graduate, and seminarian students enrolled at accredited colleges, universities, and seminaries.
American Baptist Women’s Ministries
American Baptist Women’s Ministries is a diverse community of American Baptist women and girls serving in ministry in Christ’s name. With local, area, region/state, and national levels of ministry, AB Women’s Ministries creates a community of passionately faithful, mission-minded women and girls engaged in worship, service, and friendship. American Baptist Women’s Ministries is part of the American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. and is affiliated with the North American Baptist Women’s Union, the Women’s Department of the Baptist World Alliance, and Church Women United.
Church Of God In Christ (COGIC) Scholarships
COGIC Charities, Inc. offers scholarships to individuals enrolled full-time in college/university. The scholarship is to assist with the cost of tuition, college fees, books, and student housing. Applicants will be evaluated based on the information provided on the application.
Disciples of Christ Scholarships
Scholarships are made possible by gifts from individuals, families, congregations, and other expressions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. Scholarship funds are generated from interest earned on permanent funds and cash gifts, and are used as investments in persons preparing for ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.
Episcopal Church Scholarships
Scholarships are derived from annual income of designated trust funds established by generous donors through bequests to The Episcopal Church. The listing of trust funds and scholarships includes information related to the intended use of scholarship funds. A number of these scholarships are designated for students enrolled in theological education and training. Others provide modest scholarships for children of missionaries, bishops or clergy, as well as other groups covering a wide range of eligibility. When funds are available, the maximum award is $10,000 per student. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read each trust and identify in the application those trust funds that best fit their own profile. A scholarship applicant must be an Episcopalian and must have the endorsement of his or her bishop.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Scholarships
Presbyterian Study Grant is the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s financial aid program for students planning for careers in the church. The program serves approximately 100 students per year. Because the number of students awarded is significantly less than the number of students enrolled in seminary, there are additional restrictions. Only MDiv and MACE/F students are eligible for award and those students must be enrolled full-time and demonstrate need. MDiv students and MDiv/Dual degree students must be under care of Presbytery.
United Church of Christ Ministry Education Scholarship
Ministry Education Scholarships are available to those preparing for ministry in the United Church of Christ and for continuing education for ministers. In addition to what is listed here, check with the Admissions Office at your educational institution to find out about additional scholarships that may be available.
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation Scholarships
Applicants must be an active, full member of The United Methodist Church, African Methodist Episcopal Church, AME Zion Church, or Christian Methodist Episcopal Church for at least one year prior to applying. Strong preference is given to students enrolled or planning to enroll in a full-time degree program (graduate or undergraduate) at a regionally accredited United Methodist-related college, university, or seminary in the United States. A list of these schools is available online. In rare cases, students attending non-UM-related schools may also be awarded. Doctor of Ministry students are eligible to apply.
Below are other helpful resources for finding ways to cover the cost of your seminary education.
- Need-based and University Financial Aid
- The Forum for Theological Exploration
- Scholarships for Military Chaplaincy
External Scholarship Database
Below is a database of external scholarships. To navigate, please follow these instructions:
In the bar at the top of the box, there are search, hide field, filter, and sort options. The scholarships can be specifically filtered by the 10 categories/types: General, Baptist, International, Catholic, Christian Church, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ. Click on a specific scholarship for detailed information.For any questions regarding specific scholarships, please contact the partner or organization listed for that particular scholarship.