School of Theology

Imagine. Discover. Create.

Welcome to Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology.This is what a Minister Looks Like

Ministry begins with a calling, a stirring of the soul to live a meaningful life impacting the lives of others. Our vision is to prepare ministers who will inspire the Church and the world to imagine, discover, and create God’s loving and just world.

We are eager to hear your story.  What are the ways in which you have experienced God’s call in your life?


Why Mercer? about School of Theology    Why Theology? about School of Theology


We offer an integrated program that grounds theological education within the contexts of a strong University, vibrant partner-churches, and engaged community partners. With both degree and lifelong learning programs available on campus, hybrid, and online, let us help you find the best option for you!

A row of students seated at a table taking notes
Mercer Bear statue with an orange stole
Two hands with one hand writing
Group of students with a professor around a table in a discussion

Faculty and Staff

Our expert faculty and staff will guide you in your educational, spiritual, and vocational journey.

Get Involved

Student and Alumni Services

We help you grow from a student to an alum with a meaningful career.

Five students standing in front of a brick wall

Student Life

A crucial part of your theological education is the experience of shared life and faith, and a number of student organizations are available to meet your needs.

A group of Alumni and friends posing for the picture

Alumni and Friends

We are proud of our alumni and inspired by them as they imagine, discover, and create God’s future in the church and the world.

A student sitting on a couch and working on a computer

Vocational Services

Students and alumni may take advantage of our career services, including viewing an up-to-date list of job opportunities.