Alumni Awards

Please fill out the form below to nominate an alumna/alumnus for a McAfee School of Theology Alumni Award. Awards will be presented during Founder’s Day activities in the fall of each year. Nominations are open year round. The deadline to submit nominations for the next year’s recipients is May 15. For more information, contact Rev. Matthew Duvall at 678-547-6408.

These awards reflect our mission statement, “To prepare ministers who inspire the church and the world to imagine, discover, and create God’s future.”


Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

The Imagine Award celebrates inspiration and vision. This award is given to an alumna/alumnus who exhibits visionary leadership, a willingness to take risks, and to speak and act prophetically.


Pilate asked [Jesus], “what is truth?” John 18:38

The Discover Award celebrates discernment and truth. This award is given to an alumna/alumnus who exhibits a commitment to life-long learning, the exploration of truth, and teaching and learning in ways that bring about new discoveries for students, churches, and/or communities.


“Be doers of the word.” James 1:22

The Create Award celebrates faithful action. This award recognizes an alumna/alumnus who puts his or her faith into action in tangible and practical ways, making a meaningful difference in the community and the world.

R. Alan Culpepper Lifetime Achievement Award

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Alan Culpepper, Ph.D. is the founding dean of the McAfee School of Theology and served the school faithfully for twenty years. This award recognizes an alumna/alumnus whose accomplishments leave behind pathways of tradition for others to follow. This award celebrates contributions over the whole of a career.

View Past Recipients Here



    See descriptions of these awards above.
  • Please write 300-500 words telling us why you are nominating this alum for the chosen award. You may enter this in the box above or upload a document by selecting a file below.
  • Max. file size: 98 MB.